Kaiju No. 8 is an exciting new anime adaptation of the popular manga series by Naoya Matsumoto. Set in a world plagued by monstrous kaiju, the story follows Kafka Hibino, a frustrated man working in kaiju cleanup who dreams of joining the Defense Force to fight these beasts. His life takes a shocking turn when he gains the ability to transform into a kaiju himself, blending human intelligence with immense monster power.
This action-packed series combines intense battles, emotional depth, and moments of humor, appealing to fans of sci-fi and supernatural storytelling. With its unique premise and compelling characters, Kaiju No. 8 has quickly become a highly anticipated anime among viewers and manga enthusiasts.
"Kaiju No.8 Spotted"
Let's see what Kaiju No.8 figures arrived from our latest shipment.
Pop Up Parade Kaiju No. 8
POP UP PARADE is a series of figures that are easy to collect with affordable prices and speedy releases! Each figure typically stands around 17-18cm in height and the series features a vast selection of characters from popular anime and game series, with many more to be added soon!
Nendoroid 2503 Kaiju No. 8 Mina Ashiro
Nendoroids are small, chibi-style figures known for their oversized heads, interchangeable parts, and customizable facial expressions. Each figure comes with a variety of accessories and poses, allowing fans to recreate iconic scenes from their favorite anime or games.
Nendoroid 2504 Kaiju No. 8 Soshiro Hoshina
Nendoroid 2483 Kaiju No. 8 Kikoru Shinomiya